Dana Mladin

Men who piss, guard your asses! :)

I have a problem: I keep surprising men inside the toilet!!! At the restaurant, at the mall, at the museum… anywhere!

No, I am not obsessed, I am not a voyeur, God forbid! I just MISTAKENLY surprise men inside the toilets. I swear, just like those color blind people, I keep mistaking the symbols from the doors of the toilets.


Now, seriously, I am sorry I did not take pictures when I was in doubt, so that you could see that many of the toilets I mistook had… confusing signs. Let them write clearly Men/Women and I will go to the right place. Let the toilets designers not try to make the signs so artistic and so confusing…

I was very happy to see that someone illustrated the situation I am in so clearly. The Doug character from “The King of Queens”:

The difference between me and Doug is that I go in directly… I don’t analyze the situation! I go in on the door that looks to me like being that of the women’s toilet.

The first time this happened in a McDonald’s from another town, many years ago. I went, very determined, to the toilet to do a… number 1, I pushed the toilet door and… what do you know? A good friend was splashing his boots…

Do you think I left in an instant?!?! No way! I was so shocked by my mistake, that I stopped frozen at the door! You’d think I was waiting for us to debate politics or the latest gossips from the showbiz. Me, very composed, he, holding up… the situation.

The man, in the middle of the pissing process, wondering why I could not move, looked at me and seemed to ask why the hell I was still standing there and staring hihi. Only then I became aware and I finally went out.

This situation made us laugh every time we remembered it.

Do you think the situation in McDonald’s was the only one?!? No way!

I went to the men’s room in a Bucharest Mall. The same blockage, only this time I came to my senses quicker, I said a “Sorry” to the men facing the wall and went out.

Ever since I have a fear… The more I look at the signs on the door, the more I ask myself if I am entering the right door J)).


On holidays in Paris, in a prestigious restaurant, I was so sure that the painting on the toilet door will take me to the ladies’ room (as I didn’t see the writing on the door), that I entered with all certainty. The back of a man brought me back to reality. Only then I saw the door for the ladies’ room, one step away. And what buttocks he had…


In Amsterdam, I got confident again that I can make the difference between the place where men do No1, and that for the women. Well, I could not make any mistake in the case of the public toilets from the Red District: in something like that, as a woman, not even if you feel you can no longer hold it, you don’t go…

These toilets are so surprising, as you can see the greatest part of the man (the smallest one is hidden…) and so novel, that the tourist cannot restrain from taking pictures. Me included…

Coming back to my “drama”, it is clear that, in my case, the women’s toilets’ doors should definitely wear skirts, not a metaphor…

Look here, good people who made the things very clear:

There are toilets from all around the world, gathered in an interesting post. There are over 100!!!


And I found a Romanian one…

Women’s Toilet – Mare, Sheep, Cow, She-goat, Sow, Hen

As I did not have the luck to find anything like this on my way, I will stay with the fear that I might mistake the door. So, men who go to piss, guard your asses!J))


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