He who does not have a vacation, should buy one – I would paraphrase that famous word about the elderly. Well, I really bought one. Actually not one, but three so far!…

Stupid goes to Horezu…
I’m a big fan of souvenirs. A free translation to this would be that I like to buy all the nonsense in the world! J Even if they are not useful, I…
Fell in love with an alley…
I pretty much don’t know the Danube Delta. I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I got here. The first time, when I was 9 years old. For…
VERNAZZA, Cinque Terre – the village with a church in the sea
It seems that Vernazza is the most popular village of all or, as a local guide says, the girl in the class next to whom all the boys want to sit… It…
Vedete tv – ce ar face daca nu ar face ceea ce fac?…
Acum cativa ani, dintr-o pura curiozitate, am adresat mai multor vedete din Antena, oameni cu care lucram sau lucrasem in diferite proiecte, o intrebare pe care mi-o pusesem si mie personal. O…
Coronavirus Diary (11) – travelling from my studio…
I am definitely part of the “majority”. Part of those who, during the March-May isolation period tried to find remedies for boredom. (This, after cleaning, teleworking, watching Netflix, gardening, cooking and I…
CORNIGLIA, Cinque Terre – the perched village
Corniglia, the third village in the Cinque Terre, is the smallest of the villages here and the only one that cannot be reached from the sea, being at a height of over…
MANAROLA, Cinque Terre – the village pampered by photographers…
Lemon soap, pesto sauce, linen shirts and seafood – local products, in short. Add to all those the sea, the sun, the train, the hills and you get Sensations. Then, the groups…
(Un)natural disasters – me in rented cars :)
I am, definitely, a city driver. My city, I mean. I was never desperate to drive for a long way. I am stressed, I have the feeling that I do not control…
Cinque Terre – RIOMAGGIORE – the village that colours your vacation
So it really exists! It’s not Photoshop, but 100% reality! It is the small harbor of Riomaggiore. With colorful, picturesque houses, with narrow streets and steep steps between them. I get off…