…I was peacefully enjoying some grilled sausages with mustard in a Mioritic landscape when I heard about a German chef who owns a Michelin-starred restaurant in France, located in a manor where…

Paris – on the home stretch for the Olympic Games
I was really curious to see how Paris looks on the eve of the Olympics, if I see it, if I feel it differently than in other years I’ve been here. OLYMPIC…
Florence – melting for ice cream!
I have dreamed for a long time about opening a gelateria. Thank God I don’t have an entrepreneurial spirit, otherwise, I would have finished the stock before the customers arrived! I eat…
Mercato Mayfair – enjoy your meal in church!
I’ve walked this area many times, but only recently discovered this place… out of the ordinary. ST. MARK’S CHURCH Once upon a time, there was a church… Built between 1825-1828. With parishioners,…
Baile Herculane – frumusetea din spatele ruinelor
Bai, da’ prosti mai suntem! – mi-am repetat intruna in timpul plimbarii mele prin Baile Herculane. Nu imi aduc aminte sa le fi vazut in copilaria sau adolescenta mea. Am vazut alte…
Sky pool (London) – a pool suspended between two buildings
I was one step away from bringing my swimsuit with me to splash around in the pool between the two buildings. Well, I would have taken it for sure if I hadn’t…
Breakfast in a public toilet
Once I fell out of bed in the morning, I headed towards a café I found out about on Instagram, despite having visited London many times. (I should be ashamed.) Having breakfast…
Plaza Suite – training for an autograph…
Rarely, very rarely, but it happens to me: I buy a ticket for a show I want to see, and only afterward do I buy a plane ticket and book a hotel.…
Veneția inedită
“N-ai ce face mai mult de 3 zile la Venetia” – am auzit de multe ori si am zis-o chiar si eu. Dupa primele 3 zile in Venetia, in 1999, m-am reintors…
Supărată din dragoste… (o poveste din cărți)
Precizare: titlurile cărților leagă povestea… Să vă spun că poate auziți din alte părți, dar alea sunt doar De aceea prefer să vă zic Este de-a dreptul Am stat și am făcut…