What other country is still open? (That is, a country where you can go without a test or quarantine and from where you can return without having to stay closed in your home for 14 days ) I checked up…

De alegeri, la noi în ogradã…
Sunt gâscã in ceea ce priveste politica, recunosc. Vin alegerile si eu ma uit la dezbaterile electorale ca mâța-n calendar. Sa merg la vot?… Sa nu merg?… E nasol daca nu merg?…
35 years, an ocean between us!
I was the producer of “Surprise Surprise” for 3 years. Perhaps the most intense years of my life, professionally. The Spanish sent by Valeriu Lazarov to teach us every step along the…
…a holiday window! :)
I’m not giving up! I did what I did and somehow I went back to Moldova. I had some work to do there. But, as soon as I got some window of…
Donald Trump – between COVID-ate and candidate
Between an infection with SARS-CoV-2 and the presidential elections, I rediscover Trump as a… souvenir in the shops in New York. During holiday in America, I can say that Trump has accompanied…
The shortest city break :)
I want to be a tourist. Wherever I may go. If I can’t go outside the country, then inside the country, if I can’t visit the big cities, then I go to…
A tourist in an unimaginable Paris!
Crazy traveler that I am, I have been to London 25 times, 14 times to Paris, 13 times to Rome, 7 times to Madrid and as many times to Florence (and the…
Coronavirus Journal (12) – The first travel abroad since the pandemic started!
I gathered up my courage (and the mask too) and… I ran to the airport! Because I had that tingling feeling in my feet with so much staying at home. My last…
A night at the museum 4
I was going to buy some eclairs, when I stumbled upon… the Grigore Antipa Museum! I take two steps forward, I stop, I take two steps back. What if?… The door is…
MONTEROSSO AL MARE, Cinque Terre – the resort village
I run from my room down the valley, to the small port of Riomaggiore, to catch the ship. Today is a day at sea, up to Monterosso al Mare (an only 25…