Cine n-are o salina, sa-si cumpere… Mi-as lua si eu una sau macar sa inchiriez una pe timpurile astea cu coduri portocalii si rosii de canicula! As iesi mult mai ieftin decat…

Islanda (2) – Cu trotineta, sã prind vulcanul…
Nici bine nu ies din avion in aeroportul din Islanda, ca primesc pe telefon urmatorul mesaj de la politie: “Cutremure! Activitate seismica crescuta in zona. Stai departe de versanti. Pericol de caderi…
Islanda (1) – Am dormit într-o capsulã!
In 15 zile de vacanta in Islanda, am dormit in 12 locuri diferite!!! De la “guesthouse”, la hotel de fitza, la camera de cabana, garsoniera, hotel de 3 stele, pensiune cu baie…
M-am mutat în Aeroportul Otopeni!
Nici macar nu pot face haz de necaz… Nu inteleg de ce, daca esti anuntat ca zborul tau (Wizz) are intarziere de 4 ore si 20 de minute, esti obligat sa faci…
VIETNAM (4) – raiul fructelor!
O sa ma certati, stiu, dar, daca imi dati sa aleg intre un mar si o ciocolata, aleg ciocolata… Ce sa fac, sunt dependenta de ea! In Vietnam, insa, am avut o…
Vietnam (3) – the food comes when you crave it :)
A permanent Street Food Festival! That’s how I felt Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, when I roamed around. If the overwhelming traffic was the first thing that struck me when I arrived…
VIETNAM (2) – the first shock and a wave of curiosity!
I am crazy: I took 5,909 pictures and movies on my vacation in Vietnam!!! You’d say that I went to make a documentary for Discovery, not a trip for my birthday 🙂…
Vietnam (1) – Luggage control!
I begin my adventure in Vietnam with the end. I couldn’t return from my vacation without any mishaps… After two weeks of traveling through Vietnam and tasting – literally and figuratively –…
The Coronation Concert – on a picnic with the British
We started with jokes the day after the Coronation, when the sun warmed our bodies soaked by the rain of May 6th: they say the rain had been Princess Diana’s curse, since…
Chasing the King!
I’ll start with the end of the story, although I know, it’s kind of stupid to sell the end of the book and then want or hope that people will read it.…