It has been exactly 5 years since I first experienced New Year’s Eve in Paris. It was December 31, 2019; we were packed like sardines, tens of thousands of people crammed together,…
A lady scolded me at the airport. I agreed with her. But… wait, let me tell you. OTOPENI AIRPORT I’ve been to many corners of this world and have departed/arrived at airports…
I’m neighbors with Emily in Paris!
We live in neighboring buildings. Me and Emily in Paris. Well, “in London”. In Barcelona 🙂 Sounds like I’m in another dimension, doesn’t it?… I came to see the play Barcelona, which…
MONT SAINT-MICHEL – fabulously beautiful!
My entire vacation in Normandy, France, was driven by a clear desire: to visit Mont Saint-Michel again! A place I saw for the first and only time in the year… brace yourselves,…
GIVERNY – Monet’s paradise
No, that’s it, I know what I’ll do next time: I’ll sign up to be an extra in Emily in Paris! Scene in season 4: Emily travels from Paris to Giverny, to…
BUDAPEST – visiting the neighbors, because it’s cool at their place
Even though it’s just a stone’s throw away from Romania, I almost never had a clear desire to visit Budapest. The first time I came here was many years ago, on my…
Veneția inedită
“N-ai ce face mai mult de 3 zile la Venetia” – am auzit de multe ori si am zis-o chiar si eu. Dupa primele 3 zile in Venetia, in 1999, m-am reintors…
ISLANDA (4) – Grimsey, insula de pe Cercul Polar
Unul dintre primele locuri in care am vrut sa ajung in Islanda a fost insula asta mica, de pe Cercul Polar. Nu stiu de ce. Ma fascina ideea ca eu, de la…
ISLANDA (3) – Cu papornița la pilot!
“Domnu’ capitan, cand zburati spre insula Grimsey, imi luati si mie papornița asta, plizzzzz??” Cam asta am ajuns sa fac in vacanta mea din Islanda, dupa ce vremea oribila mi-a dat planurile…
SALINA TURDA – cel mai bun refugiu pe caniculã!
Cine n-are o salina, sa-si cumpere… Mi-as lua si eu una sau macar sa inchiriez una pe timpurile astea cu coduri portocalii si rosii de canicula! As iesi mult mai ieftin decat…