I am definitely part of the “majority”. Part of those who, during the March-May isolation period tried to find remedies for boredom. (This, after cleaning, teleworking, watching Netflix, gardening, cooking and I…

Coronavirus Diary (10) – Illegally… us
On your marks, get set…… and here we are all at the start line, beautifully aligned, waiting impatiently for May 15 to come. The already famous day of May 15, when it…
Coronavirus Diary (7) – I got the mask package from China!
I, the permanent owner of masks to be used when I get a cold, realized in January that my stock is almost finished. Both the masks I had brought from China, as…
Coronavirus Diary (6) – Don’t throw the stone, I did not go to the forest today!
Out of the very few short occasions when I went out (sometimes because I really needed to), the riskiest seems to me the visit to the supermarket! Neither going up the Mitropoliei…
Coronavirus Diary (4) – the disinfectant bottle, the new icon we are praying to…
I look for empty places. Not far from home. I need to breeze some fresh air without being mortified that I might breeze in the virus too… I thought I could move…
Coronavirus Diary (3) – The Old Town, but the new world…
I am upside down, my dears… I have not been to the Bucharest Old Town for months, but I decided to go now, when people stay home. A very short walking around,…
Coronavirus diary (1) – It is just the beginning…
On Wednesday I had to get out to buy some food, because I had nothing left in the house. I went out at lunch-time, just to avoid the crowd. But what do…
Coronavirus diary (2) – The beginning of hysteria…
I did not need anything urgently, as I had already been to a very full supermarket a few days ago… However, I passed by a hypermarket and I remembered that some two…