Unul dintre primele locuri in care am vrut sa ajung in Islanda a fost insula asta mica, de pe Cercul Polar. Nu stiu de ce. Ma fascina ideea ca eu, de la…
ISLANDA (3) – Cu papornița la pilot!
“Domnu’ capitan, cand zburati spre insula Grimsey, imi luati si mie papornița asta, plizzzzz??” Cam asta am ajuns sa fac in vacanta mea din Islanda, dupa ce vremea oribila mi-a dat planurile…
Islanda (2) – Cu trotineta, sã prind vulcanul…
Nici bine nu ies din avion in aeroportul din Islanda, ca primesc pe telefon urmatorul mesaj de la politie: “Cutremure! Activitate seismica crescuta in zona. Stai departe de versanti. Pericol de caderi…
Vietnam (3) – the food comes when you crave it :)
A permanent Street Food Festival! That’s how I felt Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, when I roamed around. If the overwhelming traffic was the first thing that struck me when I arrived…
VIETNAM (2) – the first shock and a wave of curiosity!
I am crazy: I took 5,909 pictures and movies on my vacation in Vietnam!!! You’d say that I went to make a documentary for Discovery, not a trip for my birthday 🙂…
Bibury – the most beautiful village in England
I had no idea this place existed. And, when I found out about it, it was never “on my way”. So far… It is 130 km from London, in the Cotswolds region.…
Faroe Islands – the whale quest and the Atlantic crossed by car… (part 2)
Eyes peeled and ears perked – that’s how I spent my five days in the Faroe. Maybe it is a professional thing (I am a journalist, after all), but I enjoyed everything…
Faroe Islands – I had a million curiosities! (part 1)
I was fascinated by this destination from the very beginning! Although I had been to Iceland twice and I suspected that they had something in common, my curiosity pushed me to discover,…