It has been exactly 5 years since I first experienced New Year’s Eve in Paris. It was December 31, 2019; we were packed like sardines, tens of thousands of people crammed together,…

A lady scolded me at the airport. I agreed with her. But… wait, let me tell you. OTOPENI AIRPORT I’ve been to many corners of this world and have departed/arrived at airports…
I’m neighbors with Emily in Paris!
We live in neighboring buildings. Me and Emily in Paris. Well, “in London”. In Barcelona 🙂 Sounds like I’m in another dimension, doesn’t it?… I came to see the play Barcelona, which…
MONT SAINT-MICHEL – fabulously beautiful!
My entire vacation in Normandy, France, was driven by a clear desire: to visit Mont Saint-Michel again! A place I saw for the first and only time in the year… brace yourselves,…
GIVERNY – Monet’s paradise
No, that’s it, I know what I’ll do next time: I’ll sign up to be an extra in Emily in Paris! Scene in season 4: Emily travels from Paris to Giverny, to…
Veneția inedită
“N-ai ce face mai mult de 3 zile la Venetia” – am auzit de multe ori si am zis-o chiar si eu. Dupa primele 3 zile in Venetia, in 1999, m-am reintors…
Islanda (2) – Cu trotineta, sã prind vulcanul…
Nici bine nu ies din avion in aeroportul din Islanda, ca primesc pe telefon urmatorul mesaj de la politie: “Cutremure! Activitate seismica crescuta in zona. Stai departe de versanti. Pericol de caderi…
VIETNAM (4) – raiul fructelor!
O sa ma certati, stiu, dar, daca imi dati sa aleg intre un mar si o ciocolata, aleg ciocolata… Ce sa fac, sunt dependenta de ea! In Vietnam, insa, am avut o…
VIETNAM (2) – the first shock and a wave of curiosity!
I am crazy: I took 5,909 pictures and movies on my vacation in Vietnam!!! You’d say that I went to make a documentary for Discovery, not a trip for my birthday 🙂…
Vietnam (1) – Luggage control!
I begin my adventure in Vietnam with the end. I couldn’t return from my vacation without any mishaps… After two weeks of traveling through Vietnam and tasting – literally and figuratively –…