I had no idea this place existed. And, when I found out about it, it was never “on my way”. So far… It is 130 km from London, in the Cotswolds region.…
BOLOGNA – as simple as… “pasta” :)
“Yes, of course, you’re going to Florence, you won’t stay here” – a salesman told me when he heard that I was only staying for one night and one day in Bologna.…
The glasses that made me see the King of England
I would never have thought to take my sunglasses, knowing that I was going to a cold London, where snow was predicted. Big mistake! When I got there, there was so much…
I bumped into Amy Adams in London!
For all my visits to cities around the world, I looked for accommodation at good prices, but in the heart of the city! I wanted it to be easy for me to…
Faroe Islands – the whale quest and the Atlantic crossed by car… (part 2)
Eyes peeled and ears perked – that’s how I spent my five days in the Faroe. Maybe it is a professional thing (I am a journalist, after all), but I enjoyed everything…
Faroe Islands – I had a million curiosities! (part 1)
I was fascinated by this destination from the very beginning! Although I had been to Iceland twice and I suspected that they had something in common, my curiosity pushed me to discover,…
An anniversary full of adventures…
How much this pandemic has changed our habits… I speak about the good ones now. In my case, the habit of going somewhere in the big world every year, for my birthday.…
In a gondola on the canals of Venice and through the malls of the planet!
Too expensive, my man, too expensive – I said to myself every time I arrived in Venice and I wanted a gondola ride. 80 euros for a 30 minute tour or, if…
Romeo & Juliet and the Marketing
Shall we do a survey? I bet 90% of those who go to Verona go to look for Juliet’s balcony first. I did the same, why should I deny it? That was…
STONEHENGE – the mysterious stones…
What were people doing 5,000 years ago?… Well, because the internet and the smartphone hadn’t been invented yet, because they didn’t have any Minecraft or Netflix, they played with the gods as…